"The White Race"
[p. 13]
Until relations with China allow us to know that country better, we cannot include its annals in the general history. Apart from that they would be of little interest to us since China takes pride in being the country of immobility. The history of the white race a , the one most capable of progress, is the only one of use to us.
8. White race – The white race is so superior to others in terms of intelligence that in reality it is the race that dominates the majority of the world. The bible, the religious book of the Jews and Christians is the oldest document we have about the earliest ages. It links all history with that of the Hebrew people and only speaks of those peoples that are descended from the white races, that is to say the descendants of the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham y Japheth.
Academia has preserved these names: The Semites are represented by the Jews and Arabs .
The Hamites soon moved to Africa and formed the populations of ancient Egypt.
Lastly the family of Japheth covered parts of Asia, as well as Persia and Armenia and spread into Europe through the Caucuses; which is why this, the most pure of the white races, is frequently known as Caucasian .
9. The Aryans; the Indo-European race. – Modern academia identifies the family of Japheth particularly as Aryans .
The Aryans settled initially in the high mountains of Asia and subsequently divided into many branches which went in different directions.
One of these branches headed towards the west, and to Europe: these are the Iranians , from whom we are descended; another went down to the Ganges valley: they are the Indians .
Comparing the languages spoken along the Seine or the Tiber with those spoken on the banks of the Ganges, scholars have shown that European languages are closely related to Sanskrit , the holy language of India and that a relationship therefore exists with the Indian race leading
[p. 14]
to the name Indo-European race for the European families.
[Illustration of the head of a person in profile or semi-profile on the left of the text, described as follows:]
Yellow race.
[Illustration of the head of a person in profile or semi-profile on the left of the text, described as follows:]
White race.
[Illustration of the head of a person in profile or semi-profile on the left of the text, described as follows:]
Black race.